Merki viðbótar: drafts
Public Post Preview
(77 samtals einkunnagjafir)Allow anonymous users to preview a draft of a post before it is published.
(6 samtals einkunnagjafir)Now you don't need to add friends as users to the blog in order to let them preview your drafts
Quick Drafts Access
(7 samtals einkunnagjafir)Adds links to 'All Drafts' and 'My Drafts' under Posts, Pages, and other custom post type sections in the admin menu.
Post Status Menu Items
(6 samtals einkunnagjafir)Adds post status links–e.g. "Draft" (7)–to post type admin menus and a few other nice goodies.
Auto Publish Drafts
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Automatically publish drafts every 5 minutes silently in the background.
Draft Notify
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin is designed to send an email notification whenever a draft is saved.
Random Date Changer
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)Automatically assigns random publish dates to your draft posts within a specified date range and interval.
Drafts Dropdown
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Adds a Drafts tab to the admin bar so that you can quickly access your draft blog posts.
Better Recent Drafts
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Displays an improved recent drafts widget on the dashboard
Extra Post Pages Menu
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Adds extra and individual menus for all available post/page statuses like drafts, pending, trash including count of number of posts in each status.
Obvious Post States
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)Make the WordPress post state text (draft, pending, sticky, etc) stand out.
Show All Draft Posts And Pages
(3 samtals einkunnagjafir)Show draft posts and page is a plugin where you can see all your entire drafts posts and pages through admin dashboard.
Published Post Shortcut
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Description: Adds a link to published items under the Posts, Pages, and other custom post type sections in the admin menu.
Drafty In Here
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Get email notifications of draft posts sitting in your WordPress Blog waiting to be published.
Pending Draft Alert
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin allows for you to alert authors of your site via their registered user email address, that they have current draft posts pending to be pub …
WPApps Draft Notifier
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Effortlessly manage your unpublished drafts with periodic notifications and customizable email reminders.