

This plugin has been closed as of 28. janúar, 2025 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


22. janúar, 2018
it does wat it says, only for one post-type, and you need to create e RSS link manually in to the head of your site
11. júní, 2017
My server was getting slammed with requests to the /feed/ and I had to do something. So I set up „WP Custom Post Feed“ and shared that URL with Feedburner. Then I used the „Disable Feeds“ plugin to shutdown the default /feed/. Now only Feedburner is pulling my RSS and my server is much better off. The only feature request I can think of is an option to name the custom feed URL, but it is a low priority.
3. september, 2016 1 reply
I have used this and it works phenomenal. It is quite easy to manage. With our experience, I would like you to suggest to use this and I am sure you will get satisfactory output. Also kindly give your feedback and reviews as per your satisfaction. Suggestions are also welcome whole heatedly!!! Always available to assist you.!! Thanks….:)
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“WP Custom Post RSS Feed&#8221 er opinn hugbúnaður. Eftirfarandi aðilar hafa lagt sitt af mörkum við smíði þessarar viðbótar.
