Merki viðbótar: linkify
Linkify Tags
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)Turn a string, list, or array of tag IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those tag archives. Provides a widget and template tag.
Linkify Categories
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Turn a string, list, or array of category IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those category archives. Provides a widget and template tag.
Linkify Posts
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Turn a string, list, or array of post IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to those posts. Provides a widget and template tag.
Linkify Authors
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Turn a string, list, or array of author IDs and/or slugs into a list of links to the post archive for each author. Provides a widget and template tag.