Merki viðbótar: google map
Google Direction
(3 samtals einkunnagjafir)Plot multiple addresses on a Google Map, with easy to use interface and simple short code.
Courier Address
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)[courier_address] Google address Autocomplete, [courier_distance] Google Map, [courier_result] price from configurable equation.
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)GStaticMap lets you embed Google static map in your blog pages using a predefined tag. It conforms to Google Static Maps API V2
Google Maps Retailers
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)Plugin to manage and output retailers by region on a Google Map.
Map2App Connector
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Sync your posts with map2app, geo-locate them and create a travel app and/or a Google Map with custom markers, categories, images and descriptions.
Foursquare Map
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Adds a map of your last Foursquare check-in location to a widget area, and makes it easy to share with your readers without giving away too much info.
ILoveMachineProblem Responsive Google Map
(3 samtals einkunnagjafir)The ILoveMachineProblem Responsive Google Map is used to embed responsive google map on your site.
Snapycode Gmap
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)SnapyCode Gmap This is a google map widget plugin for wordpress by This module has some option to configure the resultant map like- Z …
Maps Deriction
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)The easiest to use Google maps , Get your current location and travel to your destination
Wp Dealer Map
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)WP plugin for showing nearby dealer stores around typed zip, city or full address. It can be showed on maps within chosen radius.
Witty Map
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Witty Map, add google map in content area or in template file (using shortcode). Most important you can customize its view.
Geo Locater
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Add a office/store locator map to your site and lets your visitors to start find you quickly!
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)b-Locator is a plugin that can generate custom locator ( e.g. Store Locator, Distributor Locator, etc. )
Simple Map With Shortcode
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Admin can download the user\'s details using this Simple Map With Shortcode plugin.
WP Google Map plugin
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin helps Show google map by shortcode. It accept three paramiter place,height,width and zoom.