RentPress: Amenities Manager Add-On


Take Control

With this add-on, you can alter your RentPress data sync to handle amenities to suit your needs. Once installed, you will have three options:

  1. Default sync behavior: Amenities will be imported from your software and assigned to properties. Taxonomy terms will be created for you to add content and build landing pages.
  2. Unassociate amenities before sync: All amenities will be removed from properties but will remain on your site. This can help keep property amenity lists clean in situations where amenities are frequently updated, renamed, or removed.
  3. Delete all amenities before sync: All amenity terms will be deleted on every sync before being re-imported. This will ensure that your properties will always show the most up-to-date version of your amenities list. Note that any content added to amenities via WordPress will be deleted as well.

Be Specific

You can also fine tune the visibility of amenities and choose to block them from displaying altogether. Easily add an amenity to the blocked list and never worry about it again. Or if you change your mind, you can remove it from the block list.


This add-on requires RentPress for Websites version 7.5.2 or later along with an active RentPress subscription to sync property data. RentPress version 7.8.4 is required to control floor plan and unit features.

RentPress Add-ons

RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on extends the RentPress experience to Gravity Forms to send your guestcards directly into popular multifamily CRMs:

  • RentCafe
  • Entrata
  • Knock
  • Funnel
  • Anyone Home

Learn more about RentPress: Gravity Forms Add-on here »


  • Choose the best sync style for your needs
  • Select amenities to block or allow
  • Select amenities to block or allow


You must have RentPress for Websites (version 7.5.2 or later) installed and active prior to activating this add-on.

  1. Install and Activate the plugin through the /Plugins/ screen in WordPress (recommended).
  2. Visit RentPress settings > Amenity Settings. Configure amenity syncing to your liking then save.


What is required to use this add-on?

Your site must have RentPress for Websites (version 7.5.2 or later) installed and active, along with a RentPress sync subscription. The properties should also have amenities syncing.

What is RentPress?

RentPress for Apartments is a powerful, extendable plugin that helps you market your apartments and rental properties. Build a high-performance online leasing office.

Transform your WordPress website into an incredible apartment marketing tool. Delivering enterprise-level quality and features, all backed and used by industry veterans with a deep understanding of digital marketing best practices and the online rental market.

Get the plugin here »

Supercharge your RentPress experience by connecting your data feeds from RentCafe, Entrata, RealPage, MRI MarketConnect/Vaultware, ResMan. Contact 30 Lines for a subscription.

Does RentPress support my property management system’s data feed?

With a subscription to our RentPress service to parse through property data feeds, RentPress plugin can pull in real-time pricing and availability from the following popular systems:

  • RentCafe
  • Entrata
  • RealPage
  • MRI MarketConnect / Vaultware
  • ResMan

And yes, you can mix multiple data sources on one website.

Where can I learn more about RentPress?

Visit our website at

You can also check our Getting Started Guide.

Do you have a demo site where I can see RentPress in action?

You can visit to view our demo site.


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  • Addresses issue where amenity names may generate Title warnings.
  • Addresses issue where plugin may not properly deactivate.



  • Updates „Sync Options“ logic for better control of floor plan and unit features


  • Adds control of floor plan features
  • Adds control of unit features
  • Visible and Blocked amenity lists in settings are now sorted alphabetically


  • Bugfixes in core functionality


  • Amenities can now be individually added to a block list and later removed.


  • Intial release offering three variations of amenity sync.