Pargo Smart Logistics Solutions


No more missed deliveries with the leading click-and-collect solution and highest rated delivery service in Africa.

Pargo offers Click & Collect and Home Delivery through our WooCommerce plugin giving your customers even more freedom when choosing their preferred delivery method.

Thanks to full integration with the myPargo portal, you can enjoy the simplicity of tracking and managing all your orders through a single portal.

How Pargo Works

CHECKOUT WITH PARGO: customers shop online and choose their preferred Pargo delivery method.

PARGO DELIVERS PARCELS: Pargo collects the parcels from the supplier and delivers them to their destination.

CUSTOMERS NOTIFIED: Pargo notifies customers of their parcel’s progress until the point of collection or delivery.

CUSTOMERS SHARE GREAT EXPERIENCES: customers share their experiences online, boosting your online reputation.


  • Easily download the Pargo plugin from WordPress marketplace and configure the plugin using Pargo’s installation guides.
  • Reach more customers with the Pargo Click & Collect network of 4000+ Pickup Points nationwide.
  • Benefit from reliable, efficient delivery, with an unmatched success rate on first delivery attempts to Pargo Points and homes.
  • Let Pargo handle your customer delivery SMS and email notifications, with easy links for customers to track and trace their parcel.
  • Orders reflect directly on your myPargo dashboard where you can track and trace parcels, make final edits before printing waybills and manifests, and confirm your order for courier collection.
  • Add a custom map token for greater customisation.
  • Improved customer service with assistance from our support team.
  • Access to easy drop-off returns at participating Pargo Points! Simply get in touch with us to activate this service.


  • Pargo settings inside the admin area
  • Pargo process shipment from order screen
  • Front end selecting of Pargo Pickup Point
  • Pargo map where clients select a Pargo Pickup Point
  • Display of selected Pargo Pickup Point



  • PHP: 7.4 (same as WordPress 5.8)
  • WordPress: 5.8+
  • WooCommerce: 5.9+
  • Install the Pargo Plugin via WordPress marketplace

Configuration From Pargo (contact us)

  • myPargo login credentials (to configure the plugin’s account settings).
  • Install the Pargo plugin by downloading it from WordPress marketplace.
  • Configure the plugin shipping methods in the left side panel of your WordPress dashboard, where the Pargo logo will be visible after download.
  • Add the configured Pargo shipping methods to your shipping zones in WooCommerce settings.


Q: Is it necessary to complete all the rate fields on the plugin?
A: Yes, the plugin requires values in all rates fields. These can be set in a manner that assists the store in passing the costs onto customers, or the values can all be kept the same.
Q: Will the plugin work for multi-site configurations?
A: Yes, the plugin has been tested for multi-site WordPress configurations.
Q: Does the plugin work for all payment methods?
A: The plugin has been successfully tested with Payfast, Paystack, Yoco, and Peach Payments.
Q: Do I need to make any changes to Shipping Zones?
A: If you are using the Pargo plugin, or the home delivery method for the first time, it will be necessary to set your shipping zones.
Q: Items larger than 15kg, or total baskets weighing more than 15kg do not seem to work with Pargo’s plugin, is this intentional?
A: Yes, Pargo pickup points have a maximum weight limit of 15kg, larger parcels cannot be handled by the Pickup Points.
Q: Which option should I select for the map display?
A: Pargo recommends showing the map as a modal – leave the config unticked.
Q: The Pickup Point address seems to be changing to the customers home address, what should I do?
A: Go to Woocommerce > Shipping > Shipping options: make sure the shipping destination is nNOT set to “default to customer shipping address”.
Q: Why is the checkout page freezing?
A: Certain caching and optimise plugins may interfere with the Pargo plugin, these should be disabled if possible. It may also be that you have the “static widget” map display enabled, switch to the modal option.
Q: Will the plugin work with all themes?
A: This cannot be guaranteed, the plugin has been tested successfully for the Astra, Hello Elementor and Divi themes.
Q: Will this plugin work with WooCommerce Block-based Checkout ?
A: It is recommended that this plugin be used with WooCommerce Classic Cart & Checkout. WooCommerce Block-based checkout is supported however the user will not get an opportunity to select a pickup point. Pargo should be contacted to enable automatic pickup point assignment.


11. september, 2024
Really easy dealing with Pargo to add shipping to my websites.Heard they are doing deliveries for Amazon in South Africa too now, so things can only get better!A few issues with the latest block based cart and checkout from WooCommerce, but they did add a work around and you can still use the shortcode options if you need to.
12. nóvember, 2023
They have improved this plugin enough for me to come back and leave a rating + review.
2. ágúst, 2023 1 reply
This plugin has improved a lot over the last few months. It syncs orders like other plugins and offers a great UX on the front end. [disclaimer: I was provided some compensation to write this review, but it did not influence my experience, nor did they a have any say on this review.]
19. janúar, 2022
After many emails and phone call nobody in the entire Pargo company can help me to get the api url and map token in order to get this plugin to work. Don’t waste you time with Pargo
4. desember, 2020 1 reply
PARGO is GREAT! Plugin is BAD! No support available for this plugin or support queries goes unanswered….. After update Ver 2.4.8 to The following characters is showing on the checkout after MAP: ‘; Bad coding
16. október, 2020 1 reply
The latest release stuff up your fonts and format and lots of functions on the admin back end, also sad to see that this plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress…. DO NOT UPDATE TO NEW VERSION 2.4.5
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The plugin has been updated to ensure compatibility with version 6.6.1 of WordPress and WooCommmerce 9.1.2.

This release addresses issues encountered with the WooCommerce Block-based Checkout update. It is recommended that WooCommerce Classic Checkout be used with this plugin. When this plugin used with WooCommerce Block-based Checkout a pickup point will not be available for selection by customers, and will be required to be assigned after an order has been created. Please contact Pargo to enable automatic pickup point assignment if making use of Block-based Checkout.

Bug Fix:

Cubic weight will be captured on the order.


New toggle option for shipping settings / zones to choose whether you want to send your orders to Pargo automatically or disable backend shipping.

Users who did not complete setup by adding a map token, can now see the map.

Fix added to prevent blank phone numbers being sent to the API for those who have disabled the phone number validation at checkout.

Pargo Point location fields are now split into individual fields on orders.


Our latest Woocommerce release includes a status writeback from myPargo to Woocommerce. Gone are the days of updating Woocommerce orders separately from myPargo; orders created and confirmed on myPargo will now push to your Woocommerce dashboard.

We’re committed to delivering the best plugin experience possible. By utilising analytics tracking, we can gather valuable insights to optimise performance and continually improve your experience. Not keen? Simply opt out in your advanced settings.

We’ve made it so easy to sign up for a myPargo account directly from the plugin configuration screen. If you don’t yet have a myPargo account, simply click the link on the set up screen to get started.


Ensure „ZA“ or „EG“ is passed as country code to Pargo API dynamically.
Minor Bugfixes


New Feature: Shipping Rates by Zone
We are excited to announce a new feature in our WooCommerce shipping plugin that allows you to set shipping rates for specific shipping zones. With this feature, you can now offer more flexible and customized shipping options to your customers based on their location.

Here are some highlights of this feature:

Create unlimited shipping zones: You can create as many shipping zones as you need, based on countries, states, or zip codes.
Set shipping rates by zone: For each shipping zone, you can set different shipping rates based on the shipping method, weight, price, or a combination of these factors.
Override default rates: You can override the default shipping rates for certain shipping zones.
To get started with this feature, simply go to the Shipping Zones tab in your WooCommerce settings, and add or edit a shipping zone. You can then select the shipping methods you want to offer, and set the rates and conditions for each method.


  • Addition of home delivery method.
  • Configurable free shipping per method.
  • Addition of new customer centric Pickup Point Map.
  • Improved order notes for better order handling.
  • Overall upgrades for compatibility with latest WordPress, Woocommerce and PHP.