Numeric Captcha for WooCommerce


Numeric Captcha for WooCommerce is a plugin that adds a numeric captcha to the WooCommerce login and register forms. It helps prevent automated bot submissions and enhances security for your WooCommerce store.


  • Login form & Registration form with numeric captcha


  1. Upload the numeric-captcha-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


How does the numeric captcha work?

The plugin generates a random numeric equation (e.g., 3 + 5) and asks the user to solve it. The user must enter the correct answer to proceed with the login or registration.

Can I customize the appearance of the captcha field?

Yes, you can use custom CSS to style the captcha field as per your requirements.


2. febrúar, 2024 1 reply
Numeric Captcha for WooCommerce is an efficient plugin that enhances security on WooCommerce login and registration forms by adding a numeric captcha. It’s an effective defense against automated bots, ensuring a safer environment for your e-commerce operations without complicating the user experience. Simple to set up, it integrates well with WooCommerce, offering a straightforward solution for those seeking to improve their store’s security with minimal fuss.
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  • Initial release