This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

MaxiCharts Gravity View Add-on


Extends MaxiCharts plugin with feature to filter entries on Gravity View approval status. Requires installation of both Maxicharts and Maxicharts Gravity Forms Add-on.

>> Demonstration site <<


Add the following parameter to the MaxiCharts shortcode

gv_approve_status : approve to show only approved (more comming…)

[gfchartsreports gv_approve_status="approve"]

will allow to filter Gravity Form entries and keep only approved ones in charts



  1. Search via plugins > add new.
  2. Find the plugin listed and click activate.
  3. Use the Shortcode


Installation Instructions


  1. Search via plugins > add new.
  2. Find the plugin listed and click activate.
  3. Use the Shortcode


22. júní, 2017
Wow, this is exactly what I needed. Thanks so much for the great addon @munger41
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  • 1.2 – log updated

  • 1.1 – monolog replaced log4php

  • 1.0 – first version