Hide Link | Really hide links to robots


After successful activation every time you add #hide-this-link to a link, the plugin will replace it with an hidden link.

For example, for an URL as https://sample-link.com you should write https://sample-link.com#hide-this-link. Then you will still be able to click on the link, but robots will not see it because Hide Link will replace the link tag with a span and make it clickable with a line of JavaScript.

With the PRO version the links can be hidden also by CSS class, and you have also the options to hide all the links of the navigation.


6. febrúar, 2025
Don’t let the few reviews fool you! This plugin is simple and perfect! I was looking for an easy way to hide some links and my email address. Other plugins use a shortcode which didn’t always work in different parts of my website. This method works nearly all the time. I ran into one small issue when I tried to put #hide-this-link into a Spectra list block that I had put into a footer widget area. (I’m guessing there was just too much going on.) So, I just changed it to the regular bullet list block and it worked fine.
28. maí, 2024
I’m the author. This plugin became invisible after it received a bad review.The bad review was given because of a fixed issue, so I want people to see the plugin again in the search results. It works and can be useful to many users.
17. mars, 2024 2 replies
I installed the plugin and after I added a tag to the link, my encoding broke
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“Hide Link | Really hide links to robots&#8221 er opinn hugbúnaður. Eftirfarandi aðilar hafa lagt sitt af mörkum við smíði þessarar viðbótar.




  • Fix: issues with accented characters


  • Added: possibility to hide download links


  • First release